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The website, accessible at is the property of ACB, the publishing company (hereinafter referred to as ACB), LLC with a capital of 40 700 € and whose head office is located at 2, avenue André - 92420 Vaucresson, registered at the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris under the number B 482 468 170.

Publisher contact details: ACB - Communication Department - 2, avenue André - 92420 Vaucresson. Tel: +33 1 47 95 44 5.
The director of the publication of this website is Mr Alexis BRICHARD (legal representative of ACB).

The web host of the site is the Company OVH: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix – France – Phone: +33 9 72 10 10 07

It is the responsibility of each Internet user to carefully read the legal notices before accessing the website’s pages. Consultation and use of this site implies unreserved acceptance of these and compliance with the law in force.

The Internet user acknowledges having the necessary skills and means to access and to use the website. He also acknowledges that the computer configuration he is using contains no viruses and is in perfect working order.

  1. Intellectual property rights
    The CyclO2 website is protected by the provisions of the intellectual property code.
    The general structure as well as the texts, images (animated or not), sounds, information, documents and any other element composing this site, are the exclusive property of ACB or the brands it represents in France.
    Any partial or total reproduction of all or parts of this site, by any process whatsoever and/or in any form whatsoever, without the express authorisation of ACB is prohibited and constitutes a counterfeit punishable by articles L335-2 and following of the intellectual property code.
    Images and other illustrations available on the website are not free of rights, they can only be used with the agreement of the authors mentioned in the photo credits.

  2. Personal data protection
    The information that we collect comes from your voluntary registration of an email address, allowing you to question the Company, in order to collect additional information, and for the press, in order to access the databases made available by ACB: files, press releases and photo libraries.
    This information is intended exclusively for ACB, which is also responsible for its processing. This information allows us to know you better. Therefore, they can be used to inform you about the existence of our services.
    Answers to your messages by ACB are not mandatory. Likewise, the absence of response to our messages has no consequences. In accordance with the provisions of the law of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and liberties, the automated processing of nominative data carried out from the website has been declared to La Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (National Commission for Data Processing and Liberties).
    You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data that concerns you (Article 34 of the French Data Protection Act). To exercise this right, please contact ACB, Communication Department, 2, avenue André 92420 Vaucresson.

  3. Cookies
    The Internet user is informed that when visiting the website, a cookie may be automatically installed on his browser software. A cookie is an element that does not identify the Internet user but that is used to record information relating to his navigation on the website. The Internet user will be able to deactivate the cookie via the parameters found in his browser software.

  4. Responsibilities
    The ACB Company does its maximum to offer users available and verified information but cannot be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of information and/or the presence of viruses on its website. The information provided by ACB is for information purposes only and does not exempt the Internet user from requesting additional and personalised information from ACB. ACB cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the information published on its site. Consequently, the Internet user acknowledges that he uses this information under his exclusive responsibility.

We remind you that the members of the commercial network of CyclO2 are independent merchants who remain free to determine their own rates and to participate or not in the operations proposed by CyclO2 and are the only responsible for the information they provide on their site.